Home Restoration - The Details About Media Blasting

Media blasting is recognized as a way of removing coatings from nearly any surface. In log home restoration, it really works well at removing old stains and finishes to organize the wood for any new sealer. Like every tool, it's it's place, but may has ended used.

Media Blasting or Abrasive Blasting is the procedure of fire restoration compressed air to propel abrasive particles from the blast machine or blasting pot, via a hose and onto a surface at maximum speed in ways regarding take away the existing coating and also to be a highly effective cleaning treatment. Media Blasting for surface preparation removes undesirable coatings leaving a clear surface ready for re-coating or other kinds of finishing.

Utilized in log home restoration, many contractors utilize it to get rid of any kind of coating, oil or latex or simply to clean to get rid of grayed out wood, dirt and mildew. Due to the nature from the process, it's more costly compared to fundamental chemical strip and needs some specialized equipment. A commercial type air compressor able to produce a minimum of 185 cubic ft each minute of air volume can be used. 

Some contractors own their very own, but many rent one when needed. Additionally a special "blasting pot" made to dispense crushed glass, sodium bicarbonate and ground corn cob media can be used. It's just like a sand blaster, but modified to deal with different media. In addition to this special equipment, several 1000 pounds from the media is needed. 3 to 4 1000 pounds in common.

Using Media Blasting for log home restoration does a great job of removing whatever is around the logs, yet it's really ideal for that harder to get rid of water and latex stains and paints. Chemical stripping however is most effective for oil based stains that is 75% of what's utilized on log homes in this region.

Media Blasting has it's advantages. The greatest being that it's a dry process. Once the finish or coating is taken away, the stain does apply immediately. There's no awaiting the logs to dry just like chemical stripping, with no water to deal with within the home from leaks. Also, the used media could be collected up, sifted and reused. Once spent, it may be bagged and discarded or, being biodegradable, it may be disseminate and utilized as a soil amendment.

The particular blasting is a reasonably fast process once everything is to establish and staging and scaffold is within place. Usually a couple are designed for the job one operating the nozzle and something filling the hopper, modifying air/media mixtures and watching the machinery and hoses have been in good condition and running correctly.

There’s also a disadvantage with media blasting. There's more expense involved when compared with chemical stripping because of the price of the blasting pot, compressor rental, the press itself and also the great amount that is required. Also, walk boards, scaffold and staging are essential while with chemical stripping, ladders will often suffice. And even though a dry process, it will create massive levels of heavy dust. This dust will get into everything nearby.

Throughout a log home restoration using chemical stripping, water could possibly get indoors from between your logs, round the corners and ceilings along with other areas you will possibly not expect. Anywhere water could possibly get in, so can media dust. 

Unlike water which will trickle through and may be easily easily wiped up, media dust however creeps in and may circulate at home covering everything. For those who have a great contractor, they'll usually line the outside walls with plastic which will help, but for the way good of the seal can be used, some dust will discover it's way to the dining table, cabinets, furniture and then any other horizontal surfaces.


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