Aquarius Full Moon - Starring Messenger Mercury


 The Aquarius Full Moon on August 1-2 paves the way to the abundant future. The Sun's Rays in creative Leo is opposing the Moon in innovative Aquarius. We are able to combine your own aspirations using the collective goals. The Entire Moon is definitely an outpouring of positive energy, transmuting the low negative powers in to the light.

 For example, there's a harmonious energy flow between jovial Jupiter in Gemini towards the Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon. This uplifting vibration supplies a feast of ideas and new revelations inspiring our ambitions. Aquarius wants us to Dream Big and Think Big. We are able to be experiencing many "ah ha" moments and epiphanies taking us to the brilliant breakthroughs. Old problems will find new solutions.

 "Should you simply achieve for that believed that feels better, achieve for that believed that feels better - everything will come into alignment for you personally. You cannot pull your desires back, because once you do, contrast will produce a different one. Your desires are romping, and also the more you cope with your resistance, the faster your desires goes. And also the faster your desires go without resistance, the greater you are feeling." ~ Abraham

 The Aquarius Full Moon offers us new ideas, resulting in constructive contacts and new causes of earnings. This zodiac expands our options. We're feeling better. We're feeling more capable. We will be ready to undertake new projects. Jupiter in harmonious energy flow towards the major lights (the sun's rays and also the Moon) is useful for improving our relationships. We're more open and prepared to embrace new people, new ideas and new possibilities. Thus, we are able to magnetize new buddies and enthusiasts through our positivity--attraction for action.

 Super hero Mars in Libra is within harmonious aspect towards the Aquarius Midheaven Moon and Leo Sun empowering cooperation in relationships. We don't wish to dominate and control. You want to collaborate and co-create together---win/win relationships. Soul mates empower one another and challenge us in healthy ways. There's a mutually advantageous balance of giving and receiving in true love relationships.

 Innovative Uranus is Aquarius ruling planet. Uranus is within harmonious energy flow towards the Sun and Moon. Uranus is stimulating our intuition, optimism, generosity, and resourcefulness. We are able to transfer of a brand new direction given our new perspective. Furthermore, the cosmic message is our Spiritual Guides take prescription standby waiting for our instructions.

 Focus on existence-altering messages and synchronicity these can confirm that we're on course.

 Talking about cosmic messages, Mercury the messenger sits near the Sun and it is the Star from the Aquarius Full Moon. Mercury is within a wonderful energy flow with Uranus, Mars and Jupiter. Mercury's meaning is perfect for us to consider with this heart (Leo Sun) and act upon our intuition (Aquarius Moon). Magic happens!

 Mercury moves direct on August 8 giving us "eco-friendly lights" ahead. This will be our time for you to proceed with our plans, projects and relationships.

 August commences with an incredible Aquarius Full Moon. It's inspiring individuals who live using their hearts. Heart-centered living may be the new energy. This is the way we all do business in 5D: People first, then Gaia after which profit. I was determined to live creative, abundant and happy lives with this soul mates. Our dawning Chronilogical age of Aquarius are those who are living authentically, abundantly, and peacefully, while respecting the beliefs and legal rights of people. This really is world peace.


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